About Our Map

MGE's outage map shows the separate situations where unexpected problems with equipment or power lines, or planned maintenance activities, are affecting customers in MGE's electric service area.
Current outages
The default view of our outage map shows current outages. These are unplanned outages due to storm damage, equipment failure or damage, human intervention or other unexpected events.
Maintenance outages
You also can see planned outages by selecting the MAINTENANCE tab on the outage map. Maintenance outages occur when MGE needs to temporarily turn off power due to equipment inspection, repair or replacement. MGE provides customers advance notice of maintenance outages.
Reporting an electric outage
If you are an MGE electric customer, your power is out, and you do not see your outage reflected on the map:
- Click the "Report Outage" button on the outage map page,
- Text "OUT" to 73904, OR
- Call us at 608-252-7111.
We rely on our customers to report their electric outages so MGE can restore power as quickly as is safely possible.
If you are a gas-only customer of MGE, please note that although your address will appear (outside the green outline) on the map, MGE cannot restore your power because we do not supply your electric service. Please contact your electric service provider when your power goes out.
Outage map definitions
- Time First Reported: The time when MGE was first notified of the individual outage.
- Estimated Restoration: Time by which we think we will have the repairs finished and your service restored.
- Pending: We are aware of the situation and are still assessing it.
- See Message Above: Due to the complexity of the situation when there is a major outage, we do not have the ability to predict restoration times for individual outages. We will temporarily turn off the Estimated Restoration for each individual outage and instead publish a more global estimate immediately above the map.
- Customers Affected: The potential number of customers who could be affected by the problem, based on where we suspect the problem is.
- Crew Status:
- Assigned: Crew has been assigned and is working on-site or traveling to the site.
- Pending: We are aware of the situation and are still assessing it or waiting for necessary equipment or for a crew to become available to work on the problem.
Estimate accuracy
We know accurate estimates of power restoration are important to you. Our estimates are the best we can predict with the information we have at the time. Please know we are working as quickly as is safely possible to restore power. If unexpected events happen that change how quickly we are able to restore power, we will update our estimates. See Power Restoration for more information.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Outage notifications
MGE customers may opt in to receive outage notifications by text, email and/or automated voice call. Outage notifications provide the outage time and estimated restoration time for both unplanned and maintenance outages. Learn more and enroll.