MGE Foundation

students planting trees for Arbor Day
Established in 1966, the MGE Foundation is MGE’s philanthropic arm. Support from the Foundation helps our local organizations improve lives today and the lives of future generations by working to preserve the long-term health and vitality of our community.

In the last five years, the Foundation has given more than $8.4 million to more than 400 community organizations. These nonprofit organizations help to create a better present and future in many ways, including:

  • Supporting the community’s most vulnerable populations.
  • Fostering our community’s culture, arts and history.
  • Protecting our health and environment.
  • Advancing diversity and inclusion.
  • Educating and nurturing our children.

We see it as our responsibility and privilege to support these efforts and to work as partners. Explore the sections below for some examples of the more than 250 organizations the MGE Foundation supported in 2021 and 2022.

Community Service
Culture and Enrichment
Environment and Health
Equity and Inclusion
Youth and Education